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Home FlowShare FlowShare 2.13.

FlowShare 2.13.

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Welcome to FlowShare 2.13! The new version is ready to download and will be rolled out as an update to all customers in the following weeks.

The new FlowShare version brings valuable new features.

New features and big updates:

Interactive demos as a new export option

Instead of static documents, from this version onwards instructions can also be exported as interactive html pages. Recipients of your documentation can get used to new processes in a fun way with this format. You can select the demo export as a template after choosing HTML as the export format.

AI-generated videos thanks to new Synthesia integration

AI is on everyone’s lips and of course it can also help you learn new processes. Customers with accounts at synthesia.io can now export their documentation as learning videos with a simple click. FlowShare customers have the option of a free test account. Please contact us if you want to try Synthesia!

New integration: Avendoo Learning World

From now on, it is possible to publish tutorials directly from FlowShare to Avendoo’s e-learning platform.

New export format: xAPI

FlowShare can now export zip files according to the xAPI standard, which you can import into learning content management systems (LCMS for short).

Compatible with SAP GUI

Users of the still widely used desktop application SAP-GUI will be pleased. As of this release, FlowShare can recognize and read SAP GUI controls, making documentation faster in the future.

Customer portal for managing billing data and licenses

Customers can now manage their billing data, view current invoices and manage license activations themselves at https://portal.getflowshare.com. The portal will be rolled out to all customers in Q1, if you would like early access, contact support@getflowshare.com.

Telemetry for targeted product improvements

FlowShare can collect anonymous usage information starting with version 2.13. This statistical information will help us to understand how you work with FlowShare and better tailor it to your needs in the future.

Users always have the option to turn off telemetry in the settings dialog. User data, such as screenshots or similar, will not be collected in any case.

Numerous fixes:

  • Text alignment improvements in the PDF template “Boxed Landscape
  • Warning message if your texts reach a length that will be a hindrance in the PowerPoint/PDF export.
  • Various small improvements to the user interface.

Have fun with FlowShare 2.13 – keep sharing your flow!

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