FlowShare works with any application on your Windows computer, even your desktop and custom applications. It captures every screen and action (mouseclicks and shortcuts) and adds text instructions for every action.
Create brand templates that that will format your guides to fit your brand. Every guide you or your team export will have your logo, fonts and brand colors.
Select the area you want to blur and FlowShare automatically identifies every step that element shows up in and blurs it for you.
Save hours of work by not having to blur sensitive data on individual screenshots.
Focus on what you do best without interruptions and FlowShare automatically captures every step you take in any application.
Because FlowShare runs from your computer, nothing is saved in the cloud. Everything is safe and secure.
FlowShare provides your steps with short descriptions automatically, including the names of elements - buttons, menus tabs - so you won't have to!
Your guides become shorter and clearer as FlowShare automatically merges related consecutive steps into one single image for you.
Save time when editing by not having to crop screenshots individually but instead applying the same cropping rules on multiple steps.
Enrich your screenshots with even more eye catching markups by adding additional visual elements.
FlowShare makes your guides easier to follow by highlighting where you clicked.
Make even the most complex interfaces in your process comprehensible by adding additional markups.
Customize your guides by selecting a markup style or uploading your own custom markup that will show where you clicked on each screen.
Keep your documentation up to date easily by not having to capture the process all over again but just update the new steps of the source Flow-file.
With over 10 templates to choose from, FlowShare lets you create documentation that looks like it was designed by a pro.
Choose the right format for your needs, PDF, PPTX, DOCX, HTML, Interactive Demo, PNG, RPA, SCORM, xAPI and share your guide with anyone you like!
Easily share your guide via email, or include it into your document management system or Wiki through copy to clipboard.
As an additional feature you can run FlowShare on Citrix or Terminal Servers.
FlowShare speaks English, German and French. More languages included in our Enterprise Plan.
FlowShare® automatically creates step-by-step guides as you perform your tasks.
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